Who are you, and what do you like to learn about? (academically, professionally, and/or personally)

I am currently a 2nd semester student in George Mason’s Masters program of Instructional Design and Technology. Because I work in educational technology for elementary schools, I am very interested in learning about instructional strategies and new technologies related to ed tech.

What hardware do you use to learn? (Eg. smart phone, tablet, laptop, desktop)

I like to use laptops and desktops when I learn.

What software do you use to learn? (Eg. search engines, mobile apps, social networks, eBooks, digital libraries, wikis, blogs, videos, podcasts)

I use search engines, digital libraries, and videos to learn.

What digital tools do you wish you had access to for learning? (Eg. any graphic organizers, mind-mapping tools, resource management tools, progress tracking tools, design tools, etc.) Why?

I wish I had access to resource management tools to help keep the hundreds of resources I have and come across organized in one place as well as, design tools to enhance my learning.

What might your ideal Personal Learning Environment (PLE) look like?

My ideal PLE would be a creative organized space consisting of a variety of digital tools and resources. My space would also allow for collaboration and reflection through the use of digital tools.

Sakon Kieh at GMU EDIT 730

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