
Who are you, and what do you like to learn about? (academically, professionally, and/or personally)

Hi I’m Todd and I enjoy learning about a variety of things, including do-it-yourself type homeowner projects, live synchronous instructional methods, and sports such as tennis and my hobby poker.

What hardware do you use to learn? (Eg. smart phone, tablet, laptop, desktop)

Typically use smartphone and laptop, rarely a desktop anymore.

What software do you use to learn? (Eg. search engines, mobile apps, social networks, eBooks, digital libraries, wikis, blogs, videos, podcasts)

If I don’t know how to do something around the house, I start with YouTube, then go from there. I find leads to other sources when searching out products. I also use Communities of Practice, such as ConnectUsers to find answers to work related questions, as well as reach out to various groups on LinkedIn.

What digital tools do you wish you had access to for learning? (Eg. any graphic organizers, mind-mapping tools, resource management tools, progress tracking tools, design tools, etc.) Why?

I’d love access to digital photography and video type tools, such as Adobe’s Creative Suite of products.

What might your ideal Personal Learning Environment (PLE) look like?

A web platform that allows us to host videos we have created, links that we recommend and use, files that we want to share and use.

Todd Irvin EDIT 730

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