
Who are you, and what do you like to learn about? (academically, professionally, and/or personally)

I’m a senior at Wheelock College studying Counseling Psychology with a minor in Theatre. I like to learn about counseling techniques, different disorders, how people adapt in certain situations, and how experience shapes a person’s life; these are my main academic pursuits. Personally, I like to learn a lot! I’m always open to hear about new things, and my interests lie a lot in theatre, literature, pop culture, cooking, and writing.

What hardware do you use to learn? (Eg. smart phone, tablet, laptop, desktop)

I use a smart phone and laptop primarily!

What software do you use to learn? (Eg. search engines, mobile apps, social networks, eBooks, digital libraries, wikis, blogs, videos, podcasts)

I use search engines, library/research databases, mobile apps, social networks, wikis, blogs, videos, movies/documentaries, and sometimes podcasts!

What digital tools do you wish you had access to for learning? (Eg. any graphic organizers, mind-mapping tools, resource management tools, progress tracking tools, design tools, etc.) Why?

I wish I had access to progress tracking tools because I find myself sometimes overwhelmed with work; if I could keep track of all my tasks and mark my progress, it would make me less stressed.

What might your ideal Personal Learning Environment (PLE) look like?

My ideal PLE would be a quiet space with little distractions, with ample resources and someone to ask questions if needed.

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