Who are you, and what do you like to learn about? (academically, professionally, and/or personally)
I am a senior in the American Studies program at Wheelock, minoring in Art History. I am also a full-time Wheelock employee, wife and mother of 13yo triplets. I love to learn about many things and my interests are very eclectic, but I am most focused on family history, genealogy, WWII history and the history of the Holocaust. For fun, I am very interested in the art and history of the tattoo.
What hardware do you use to learn? (Eg. smart phone, tablet, laptop, desktop)
I use a desktop and laptop mostly. I have access to a smart phone and tablet, but only resort to using them if desperate.
What software do you use to learn? (Eg. search engines, mobile apps, social networks, eBooks, digital libraries, wikis, blogs, videos, podcasts)
I prefer to use Google for basic searches. I don’t really use any mobile apps or social networks, but I have used Facebook to conduct my own surveys for papers. I am almost exclusively using Khan Academy this semester (and really like its cost ($0), ease of use and comprehensiveness). Moodle is also big, but that’s more of a platform than software.
What digital tools do you wish you had access to for learning? (Eg. any graphic organizers, mind-mapping tools, resource management tools, progress tracking tools, design tools, etc.) Why?
Well, if I didn’t have access to it through my work, I would want free access to Survey Monkey or some other survey software.
Anything that would increase communication, facilitate feedback with instructors outside of the classroom would be great.
What might your ideal Personal Learning Environment (PLE) look like?
Renee Ruggiero rruggiero@wheelock.edu
I’m not sure… I think I would like to have a platform where I could work on a project and ask for feedback within the same environments — “am I on the right track with my work?” Perhaps something like a chat room off to the side and the instructor could see what I am working on and respond. Providing an immediate response — like in a chat room — would be wonderful, but I know that isn’t possible with only one instructor. Maybe “office hours” could be listed as available chat times. It would also be great if all courses had a link for assignment FAQs since I’m sure instructors are asked the same things over and over again…