Who are you, and what do you like to learn about? (academically, professionally, and/or personally)
I am a high school Spanish teacher and as such, I like learning about learning and about language. I read a lot about current events, politics and social justice issues.
What hardware do you use to learn? (Eg. smart phone, tablet, laptop, desktop)
I use two different laptops, one a school-issued Dell work computer, and the other a hand-me-down Mac Book Pro. I use my iPhone X a lot as well.
What software do you use to learn? (Eg. search engines, mobile apps, social networks, eBooks, digital libraries, wikis, blogs, videos, podcasts)
I prefer Google as a search engine, although I sometimes use Firefox to avoid having my personal and work Google accounts fighting with each other. I have a two-hour or more commute each day and I listen to podcasts via Apple Podcasts daily. I use Instagram, in spite of it being a property of Facebook, which I’d love to put out of business. I use OverDrive to access eBooks from the DC Public Library and used to have an Audible account. I read NYT, WaPo, the Atlantic, NYMag, the Intercept and El Pais. I use Spotify, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, YouTube.
What digital tools do you wish you had access to for learning? (Eg. any graphic organizers, mind-mapping tools, resource management tools, progress tracking tools, design tools, etc.) Why?
I wish I had access to Articulate Storyline. I asked the curriculum development office of the World Languages department of FCPS and they told me they only have licenses for a set number of people. I have wanted to really use Slack and Kanban boards but those tools remain only hypothetical, educational exercises for me because they aren’t used in my work.
What might your ideal Personal Learning Environment (PLE) look like?
If I understand the question correctly, I’d improve upon what I already have. Calendar management remains difficult, as it seems to be fractured over many different virtual and real spaces. I think I have pretty close to my ideal PLE right now, but I’d like more time and space to use the tools.